Centrum Szkolenia Artystów
Centrum Szkolenia Artystów
Centrum Szkolenia Artystów to projekt skierowany do młodych, debiutujących artystów (wokalistów, korepetytorów, dyrygentów i reżyserów, choreografów) absolwentów kierunków artystycznych, wokalno-aktorskich, dyrygentury Akademii Muzycznych lub innych uczelni wyższych kształcących w wyżej wymienionych dyscyplinach, którzy nie ukończyli 35. roku życia. W ramach projektu planowane jest przeprowadzenie w każdym roku otwartego naboru wyłaniającego najzdolniejszych artystów. Wyłonieni artyści, będą mieli możliwość debiutu na scenie Opery Krakowskiej w trakcie trwania sezonu artystycznego.
Koncepcja przedmiotowego projektu powstała w wyniku wieloletnich obserwacji, doświadczeń, badań i rozmów akademicko-managerskich i jest odpowiedzią na wynikający z powyższej analizy brak finalnego elementu kształcenia wybitnie uzdolnionych młodych artystów. Jak podkreślają pedagodzy, artyści i dyrektorzy teatrów operowych tylko zapewnienie takich niezbędnych warunków młodym, wybitnie utalentowanym wokalistom, korepetytorom, dyrygentom i reżyserom pozwoli w pełni zrealizować długoletni proces kształcenia akademickiego i przynieść wymierne efekty oraz zamierzone rezultaty.
Praktyka wykonawcza artystów na scenie stanowi istotny element ich rozwoju zawodowego, umożliwia doskonalenie różnych umiejętności m.in. pracę z orkiestrą, chórem, baletem z zawodowymi realizatorami takimi jak reżyser, choreograf czy scenograf. Szeroki wachlarz możliwości zapewnia artystom równomierny rozwój artystyczny. Odpowiednie zaplecze, które posiada instytucja, da szansę adeptom sztuk artystycznych na pełne zaangażowanie w codzienne życie teatru, uczestnictwo w próbach i spektaklach repertuarowych, premierach, co poza kształceniem indywidualnym, oferowanym przez uczelnie artystyczne daje możliwość praktycznego poznania zawodu i zdobycia niezbędnego doświadczenia. Podobne praktyki stosowane są od wielu lat w teatrach operowych na świecie. Realizowany przez Operę Krakowską od dwóch lat program Narodowego Instytutu Muzyki i Tańca Dyrygent - rezydent daje pewność w przeświadczeniu o właściwym kierunku podjęcia wyzwania w realizacji projektu. Obecnie obok Teatru Wielkiego Opery Narodowej, który przyjął inny od przedmiotowego projektu model kształcenia zawodowego rozwoju młodych artystów, nie ma w strukturach renomowanych polskich instytucji komórki umożliwiającej praktyczny rozwój młodego artysty.
Najważniejszym aspektem programu jest indywidualny rozwój artystyczny, tworzenie portfolio i promocja. Oznacza to, że Opera Krakowska będzie także pomagać artystom w budowaniu swojej kariery, ułatwi dostęp do dzieł i produkcji, które do tej pory były wyłącznie w obszarze długoletnich planów, a także pomoże w nawiązywaniu kontaktów w branży artystycznej. Artysta na przestrzeni sezonu artystycznego będzie mógł zbudować obszerne portfolio, które w dalszej karierze zawodowej będzie argumentem o przyznaniu danej roli i prezentowaniu swojego talentu szerokiej publiczności.
Centrum Szkolenia Artystów może stać się w przyszłości podstawą do utworzenia ogólnopolskiego programu, do którego będą mogły przystąpić inne polskie teatry operowe. Wspólne działanie nie tylko pomoże w praktycznym rozwoju młodych artystów, ale przyczyni się do integracji zawodowej środowiska operowego.
Opera Krakowska w swojej historii posiada już doświadczenie w zakresie edukacji artystycznej przy realizacji procesu przesłuchań do musicalu Kopernik autorstwa Tomasza Szymusia, czy operetki Karola Szymanowskiego Loteria na mężów, czyli narzeczony nr. 69. Niezwykle cenne doświadczenie pozwoliło na dopracowanie programu Centrum Szkolenia Artystów, które zakłada realizację wszystkich niezbędnych elementów koniecznych do osiągnięcia sukcesu przez przyszłych artystów.
Celem głównym Centrum Szkolenia Artystów jest umożliwienie aktywnego udziału artystom w środowisku artystycznym w Polsce i na Świecie:
- podniesienie umiejętności techniczno-wykonawczych uczestników,
- zbudowanie portfolio i repertuaru adekwatnego do umiejętności i predyspozycji uczestnika,
- wzbogacenie wiedzy na temat czym jest teatr operowy,
- kształtowanie indywidualnych osobowości w oparciu o identyfikację z instytucją,
- rozwijanie własnych predyspozycji wykraczających poza dotychczasowe umiejętności,
- pokonywanie własnych ograniczeń,
- kształtowanie świadomej prezencji scenicznej oraz artystycznej,
- kształtowanie postawy szacunku dla wartości uniwersalnych, takich jak: dobro, przyjaźń, tolerancja, krytyka konstruktywna,
- rozwijanie umiejętności poszukiwania i wykorzystania zdobytych informacji,
- wyrabianie odpowiedzialności za powierzone zadania w czasie trwania projektu.
- pracy z doświadczonymi śpiewakami operowymi, realizatorami i instrumentalistami,
- pracy z ruchem scenicznym z elementami tańca,
- praca z zespołem artystycznym - dyrygent, pianista, orkiestra, chór, balet, korepetytor
- zbudowanie rozpoznawalności w środowisku artystycznym,
- opracowania roli scenicznej z realizatorami
Wyłonione osoby podczas rekrutacji na podstawie regulaminu będą uczestniczyły w jednorocznym programie Centrum Szkolenia Artystów. Planowane rozpoczęcie programu wraz z rozpoczęciem sezonu operowego 2024/2025.
Artists Training Centre
The Artists Training Centre is a project aimed at young, debuting artists (singers, tutors, conductors and directors, choreographers) graduating from the faculties of art, voice and drama, conducting at the Music Academies or other higher education institutions providing education in the above-mentioned disciplines, who are under 35 years of age. As part of the project, open recruitment to select the most talented artists is planned each year. The selected artists shall have the opportunity to make their debut on the Krakow Opera stage during the artistic season.
The concept of the project is the result of many years of observation, experience, research and academic and managerial discussions, and is a response to the lack of a final element in the training of talented young artists, resulting from the above analysis. As emphasised by educators, artists and opera theatres directors, only by providing such conditions for young, outstandingly talented singers, tutors, conductors and directors, it will be possible to fully carry out the long-standing process of academic training and produce tangible effects and intended results.
Artists' performance practice on stage is an important part of their professional development, enabling them to improve a variety of skills including working with orchestra, choir, ballet, and with professional producers such as directors, choreographers or stage designers. The wide range of opportunities ensures that artists’ development is steady. Proper assets provided by the institution will give young artists the chance to be fully involved in the daily life of the theatre, to participate in rehearsals, program performances, and opening nights, which, in addition to the individual training offered by art universities, gives them the opportunity to learn the profession in practice and to gain the experience. Similar programmes have been in place in opera houses around the world for many years. The Resident Conductor programme of the National Institute of Music and Dance, which has been carried out by the Krakow Opera for two years, confirms the right direction of taking in the project. At present, apart from the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera, which has adopted a model of professional training for the development of young artists that differs from the project in question, there is no department within the structures of renowned Polish institutions that enables the practical development of young artists.
The most important aspect of the programme is individual artistic development, portfolio building and promotion. This means that the Krakow Opera will also help artists build their careers, provide access to works and productions that have only been within long-term plans, and help them establish contacts in the artistic community. During an artistic season, artists will be able to build an extensive portfolio, which, in the course of their careers, will be an asset for being assigned a role and presenting their talent to a wide audience.
In the future, the Artists Training Centre may become the foundation for a nationwide programme that other Polish opera houses can join. Such cooperation will not only help the practical development of young artists but will also contribute to the professional integration of the opera community.
In its history, the Krakow Opera already has experience in the field of artistic education during the audition process for the musical Copernicus by Tomasz Szymuś, or Karol Szymanowski's operetta Lottery for Husbands, or Fiancé No. 69. Valuable experience has allowed us to refine the Artists Training Centre programme, which involves the implementation of all the necessary assets required for the success of future artists.
The main objective of the Artists Training Centre is to enable artists to actively participate in the artistic community in Poland and abroad:
- improving the technical and performance skills of participants,
- building a portfolio and repertoire relevant to the participant's skills and aptitude,
- understanding opera house better,
- shaping individual personalities based on identification with the institution,
- developing own aptitude beyond previous skills,
- overcoming own limitations,
- shaping conscious stage and artistic presence,
- shaping an attitude of respect for universal values such as good, friendship, tolerance and constructive criticism,
- developing the ability to search and use acquired information,
- developing responsibility for the tasks assigned during the project.
The Artists Training Centre shall provide the opportunity to continue specialist education and deal with artist challenges by:
- working with experienced opera singers, producers and instrumentalists,
- working with stage movement with elements of dance,
- working with an artistic team - conductor, pianist, orchestra, choir, ballet, tutor
- gaining recognition in the art world,
- developing a stage role with the producers.
As part of the activities of the Artists Training Centre, detailed artist residency programmes and guides for individual programmes will be developed. Applicants selected based on the recruitment process rules will participate in the Artists Training Centre one-year programme. The programme is planned to be launched at the beginning of the 2024/2025 opera season.
Artists Training Centre
The Artists Training Centre is a project aimed at young, debuting artists (singers, tutors, conductors and directors, choreographers) graduating from the faculties of art, voice and drama, conducting at the Music Academies or other higher education institutions providing education in the above-mentioned disciplines, who are under 35 years of age. As part of the project, open recruitment to select the most talented artists is planned each year. The selected artists shall have the opportunity to make their debut on the Krakow Opera stage during the artistic season.
The concept of the project is the result of many years of observation, experience, research and academic and managerial discussions, and is a response to the lack of a final element in the training of talented young artists, resulting from the above analysis. As emphasised by educators, artists and opera theatres directors, only by providing such conditions for young, outstandingly talented singers, tutors, conductors and directors, it will be possible to fully carry out the long-standing process of academic training and produce tangible effects and intended results.
Artists' performance practice on stage is an important part of their professional development, enabling them to improve a variety of skills including working with orchestra, choir, ballet, and with professional producers such as directors, choreographers or stage designers. The wide range of opportunities ensures that artists’ development is steady. Proper assets provided by the institution will give young artists the chance to be fully involved in the daily life of the theatre, to participate in rehearsals, program performances, and opening nights, which, in addition to the individual training offered by art universities, gives them the opportunity to learn the profession in practice and to gain the experience. Similar programmes have been in place in opera houses around the world for many years. The Resident Conductor programme of the National Institute of Music and Dance, which has been carried out by the Krakow Opera for two years, confirms the right direction of taking in the project. At present, apart from the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera, which has adopted a model of professional training for the development of young artists that differs from the project in question, there is no department within the structures of renowned Polish institutions that enables the practical development of young artists.
The most important aspect of the programme is individual artistic development, portfolio building and promotion. This means that the Krakow Opera will also help artists build their careers, provide access to works and productions that have only been within long-term plans, and help them establish contacts in the artistic community. During an artistic season, artists will be able to build an extensive portfolio, which, in the course of their careers, will be an asset for being assigned a role and presenting their talent to a wide audience.
In the future, the Artists Training Centre may become the foundation for a nationwide programme that other Polish opera houses can join. Such cooperation will not only help the practical development of young artists but will also contribute to the professional integration of the opera community.
In its history, the Krakow Opera already has experience in the field of artistic education during the audition process for the musical Copernicus by Tomasz Szymuś, or Karol Szymanowski's operetta Lottery for Husbands, or Fiancé No. 69. Valuable experience has allowed us to refine the Artists Training Centre programme, which involves the implementation of all the necessary assets required for the success of future artists.
The main objective of the Artists Training Centre is to enable artists to actively participate in the artistic community in Poland and abroad:
- improving the technical and performance skills of participants,
- building a portfolio and repertoire relevant to the participant's skills and aptitude,
- understanding opera house better,
- shaping individual personalities based on identification with the institution,
- developing own aptitude beyond previous skills,
- overcoming own limitations,
- shaping conscious stage and artistic presence,
- shaping an attitude of respect for universal values such as good, friendship, tolerance and constructive criticism,
- developing the ability to search and use acquired information,
- developing responsibility for the tasks assigned during the project.
The Artists Training Centre shall provide the opportunity to continue specialist education and deal with artist challenges by:
- working with experienced opera singers, producers and instrumentalists,
- working with stage movement with elements of dance,
- working with an artistic team - conductor, pianist, orchestra, choir, ballet, tutor
- gaining recognition in the art world,
- developing a stage role with the producers.
As part of the activities of the Artists Training Centre, detailed artist residency programmes and guides for individual programmes will be developed. Applicants selected based on the recruitment process rules will participate in the Artists Training Centre one-year programme. The programme is planned to be launched at the beginning of the 2024/2025 opera season.