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Co-operation with the Krakow Opera is a good way to support artists, invest in arts, leave a lasting legacy in the history of our institution and actively contribute to the development of Polish culture. It also provides companies with high-profile and effective promotion opportunities. The Krakow Opera welcomes regular co-operation as well as one-off collaboration in connection with selected artistic events.

Patron of the Krakow Opera
Financial support all year round for the operations of the Krakow Opera (including premieres and special events).

Sponsor of the Krakow Opera
Financial support all year round for the operations of the Krakow Opera (including premieres and special events).

Financial partner of a premiere/concert/event
Financial support for a premiere/concert/event or financing the purchase of materials/services.

Patron of the ballet ensemble/orchestra/choir
Financing the purchase of instruments/accessories/equipment for the selected artistic ensemble of the Opera.

Sponsor of the Ballet Studio
Financing the purchase of accessories/equipment for the students of the Krakow Opera Ballet Studio.

Companies, institutions and individuals with particular contribution to the Krakow Opera are honoured with the VOX OPERA award. We always welcome and are extremely pleased with offers of active participation in the artistic life of our institution.

If you are interested, please contact Beata Ciechanowska, Head Manager of Marketing and Customer Service Department:
Email: [email protected], Phone: 12 296 62 67.


VOX OPERA has been awarded since 2005 to private individuals, companies and institutions as a distinction for their outstanding commitment to the Krakow Opera. The VOX OPERA award is traditionally presented during the annual meeting of patrons, sponsors and partners, as well as media patrons and friends of our Theatre.